EEO7 | Framing EEO Complaints Properly for More Effective Case Processing

  • Session Number: EEO7
Thursday, August 19, 2021: 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM


Joel Kravetz
Assistant Director of Complaints Management
U.S. Department of Justice


Aggrieved parties can raise simple or complex EEO matters during EEO counseling. To effectively attempt to resolve or investigate these matters, EEO practitioners must be able to break down, organize, and outline a coherent, accurate, and concise statement of the claim or claims being alleged, known as framing the complaint. Improper complaint framing can impede effective resolution and also derail investigations. FDR favorite Joel Kravetz will share best practices for framing complaints, including how to recognize theories of discrimination being alleged, spot continuing violations and pattern and practice claims, and ferret out the timely versus the untimely discrete acts. You'll return to your agency confident in your ability to create a record that supports a decision to dismiss a complaint or provides the necessary information to accept, and then to complete a proper investigation.


Learning Objectives

-Apply best practices for EEO counseling to help gather information necessary to frame a complex claim
-Identify alternative ways to frame claims that allege multiple theories and/or multiple claims
-Master challenging concepts including continuing violations and untimely discrete acts

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